200字范文 > 百货业 department stores英语短句 例句大全

百货业 department stores英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-03 01:21:42


百货业 department stores英语短句 例句大全

百货业,department stores

1)department stores百货业

1.Confronted by the fierce competition from the supermarkcets,specialized stores,thedepartment stores have lost leadng position and the traditional departmeat stores must be reorganized to survive from rough enlargement in early 1990 s to the moderndepartment stores in the 21-st century.面对来自超级市场、专业商店等各方面的挑战与竞争 ,百货业的商业霸主地位已经失去。


1.Prosperity of General Merchandise Industry in DevelopedCountries and the Innovation of That in Our Country;发达国家百货业的发展与我国百货业创新研究

2.The Research and Design of the Collaborative Commerce System on Chain of Department Store;百货业的协同商务系统的研究与设计

3.Experiences and Inspiration of Successful Department Store Management in the World;世界成功百货业的经验分析及其启示

4.How to Explore the use of Realationship Marketing in Wuhan Retail Enterprises;关系营销在武汉零售百货业中的实践与思考

5.The Difficult Position of Traditional Department Stores:Reasons and Countermeasures;我国传统百货业困境的成因和对策研究

6.The Research on Interaction between Consumer Behavior and Retailing Type of Operation and Marketing Strategy of Department Stores;消费行为与零售业态互动关系及百货业营销策略研究

7.The Designment and Reformation for Enterprise Image of Shenzhen MaoYe Department Store;深圳茂业百货企业形象的设计与塑造

8.Research on the Development Strategy of Chinese Mall s Chain Marketing;中国百货企业连锁经营发展战略研究

9.Facing WTO, What Retailers Should Do to Win in the Competition;迎接WTO,百货零售业如何突出重围

10.Business Space Research for Anchor Department Store in Shopping Center购物中心核心百货商店营业空间初探

11.Abstract: The format of shopping center is different from the other retail formats, such as department store, which creates commercial value, while the former one contributes the value to the real estate industry.购物中心与百货店等零售业态不同百货店创造商业价值,而购物中心创造地产价值。

12.Most of the big department stores in this city stay open late in the evenings.这座城市的大部分百货商店晚在营业到很晚。

13.The Features and Contemporary Evolvement of Large-scale Retail Stores in Kunming;昆明市大型百货零售商业设施特征及当代演变

14.Research on the Resource-Orientated Development Strategy of Traditional Department Stores;基于资源导向的传统百货企业发展战略研究

15.Modern merchandise industry characteristic s position selection;基于现代百货零售业自身特点的定位选择

16.Analysis on Department Industry Highlight in the First Stage of 11th Five-Year Plan;“十一五”初期我国百货行业发展热点分析

17.Discussion on the Decrease of Core Competence of Large Retail Enterprises;大型百货零售企业核心能力的流失与重建

18.The external conditions and development trends of entering into the retail market;论百货零售业市场进入的外部条件和发展趋势



1.Traditionalstores must be reformed;传统百货业改革势在必行

3)General Merchandise Industry百货业

1.Marketing Tactics ofGeneral Merchandise Industry;百货业作为最早出现的零售业态,已经经历了一百五十多年的发展历程,在竞争激烈的新经济时代,处于营销渠道尽售商位置的百货业的发展状况,得到了越来越多的关注。

4)department store business百货商业

1.At present,in order to develop retailing suitable for Shaoguans situation,the key development trend should be to enforce the kernel competitiveness ofdepartment store business and actively promote the development of chain commerce.零售业态是一个地区流通产业发展中必须思考的一个战略问题 ,当前韶关市发展适合韶关市情的零售业态 ,重点战略发展方向是重塑百货商业的核心竞争力 ,积极推进连锁商业模式的发展。

5)The Retail & Department Store Industry零售百货业

6)Provincial-domestic department store内资百货业


