200字范文 > 百货商店 department store英语短句 例句大全

百货商店 department store英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-20 06:25:55


百货商店 department store英语短句 例句大全

百货商店,department store

1)department store百货商店

1.At the turn of the century,pushed by the power from industrialization and the modern consumer ideas,thedepartment stores gradually took an important role in the Southern ec.但是,世纪之交,由于工业化力量的推动和现代消费观念的冲击,乡村商店从南方经济生活中逐渐淡出,“以吸引女性消费者为主,采用现金支付或分期付款形式”的百货商店取而代之,并且广告在经济生活中起越来越重要的作用,南方经济生活逐步走向现代化。

2.At present China′s development ofdepartment stores is faced with the tremendous presure,and lack of competitive power of core,as a key factor,restricts China′s development ofdepartment stores.中国百货商店的发展面临着巨大的压力,而缺乏核心竞争力是制约中国百货商店发展的关键因素。

3.In recent years, some largedepartment stores decline and even reduce to bankruptcy.近些年来,我国一些大型百货商店沦落到惨淡经营甚至破产的境地。


1.There"s a department store next to the hotel.饭店旁边有个百货商店。

2.I shopped several department stores.我光顾了几家百货商店。

3.My house stands cheek by jowl with a department store.我家紧靠一家百货商店。

4.The cosmetic shop in a department store百货商店的美容品专柜

5.The department store was thronged with people.百货商店挤满了人。

6.Oh, the department store is over there.噢,百货商店在那边。

7.The bazar is not barren of trade .这百货商店生意兴拢

8.I got a job in a department store .我曾在百货商店工作过。

9.He manages a large department store.他经营一家大百货商店。

10.It"s called Chungyo Department Stone.它叫中友百货商店。

11.You"d want to move the entire department store here!你想把百货商店搬来呀!

12.Department stores in the United States are very large.美国的百货商店很大,

13.Fortnum & Mason, Ltd.福特南-梅逊百货商店

14.He is a clerk of that department store.他是那家百货商店的店员。

15.The dry-goods and general stores sold them.鞋子只在布店和百货商店有售。

16.He then clerked it in a department store.他当时在一家百货商店当店员。

17.You can also return things at department stores.你也可以在百货商店退货。

18.This new department store offers a large variety of goods for sale.这家新百货商店备有品种繁多的商品。


At a Department Store在百货商店

3)big department store大型百货商店

1.We should start with studying the appearance of HaKelong chain-supermarkets which were born out ofbig department stores,find the good way forbig department stores to get rid of difficulties,take part in compitition and thus renew their glory.大型百货商店改革一直是我国零售业改革的难点和重点。

4)department store sales百货商店销售额

5)noise in departement store百货商店噪声<声>

6)Federal Department Stores联邦百货商店


