200字范文 > 集体经济组织 collective economic organization英语短句 例句大全

集体经济组织 collective economic organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-11 21:22:15


集体经济组织 collective economic organization英语短句 例句大全

集体经济组织,collective economic organization

1)collective economic organization集体经济组织

1.(2) How to turncollective economic organization into Ltd.作者通过对石家庄市此次改造的有关方面的调研 ,认为有 3个方面的问题需引起重视 ,即 :(1)由于土地权属变更引发的法律问题 ;(2 )关于农村集体经济组织向有限公司转化的问题 ;(3)关于建立“农转非”农民社会保障制度的问题。

2.With a consideration to solve these problems, the paper suggests to clarify the ownership of collective land, reorganizing and developingcollective economic organization, making full use of the "unification" function of the organization, balancing the unification and separation functions as well as stabi.该文分析了农村双层经营体制运行中存在“分”之有余,“统”之不足和缺乏上地流转法律机制等主要问题,提出改组、发展集体经济组织,充分发挥集体经济组织“统”的功能,正确把握“统”与“分”的尺度和稳定承包关系,建立土地流转机制等发展、完善双层经营体制若干对策,旨在为深化农村经济体制改革,完善农业经营制度提供有益建议。

3.Many problems exist in the arrangement of the rural land system, one of which is the vagueness of the membership in thecollective economic organization.农地制度在安排上存在许多问题,其症结主要表现为:集体经济组织成员身份不清,这是在中国特定历史条件下形成的影响农地制度改革与实践的一个问题。


1.property of collective economic organizations;集体经济组织的财产;

2.in case of collective-owned waste mountains and land, the collective economic organizations shall organize forestation.属于集体所有的,由集体经济组织组织造林

3.On the Dispute of Rural Collective Economic Earnings Distributions农村集体经济组织收益分配纠纷探析

4.On Legal Position of Rural Collective Economic Organization in China我国农村集体经济组织法律地位分析

5.Economic Analysis of "the Accounting System of Rural Collective Economic Organization";《村集体经济组织会计制度》的经济学分析

6.and those have allocated to township (town) peasant collectives shall be operated and managed by the rural collective economic organizations of the township (town).已经属于乡(镇)农民集体所有的,由乡(镇)农村集体经济组织经营、管理。

7.Foreign Exchange Control Relating to State Units and Collective Economic Organizations对国家单位和集体经济组织的外汇管理

8.The Development Direction of the Organization Form of the Countryside Collective Economy;新农村建设中的农村集体经济组织形式研究

9.Designing and Innovating the Information Disclosure Institution of Rural Collective Economic Organization;农村集体经济组织信息披露制度的设计与创新

10.Function of Rural Collective Economic Organization in Construction of New Countryside;新农村建设下对农村集体经济组织作用的思考

11.Inquiry into Auditing Model of Rural Village-level Collective Economic Organizations;对农村村级集体经济组织审计模式的探讨

12.Legal Thinking on Perfecting the Rural Community Econnmic Cooperatives;对完善农村社区集体经济组织的法律思考

13.Study on Selection of Reform Model of Collective Economic Organizations of the Village in the Urban城中村集体经济组织改革模式选择研究

14.The waters in ponds and reservoirs possessed by agricultural collective economic organizations are collectively owned.农业集体经济组织所有的水塘、水库中的水,属于集体所有。

15.The waters of ponds and reservoirs belonging to agricultural collective economic organizations shall be owned by the collectives.农业集体经济组织所有的水塘、库中的水,属于集体所有。

16.Women s Political and Economic Rights in Rural Collective Economic Organization;农村集体经济组织中女性成员的政治权利和经济权利

17.The Member Right of the Rural Collective Economic Organizations and the Rural Community Member Right:A Law-economics Analysis on the Confusion;农村集体经济组织及其成员权和农村社区组织及其成员权混同的法经济学分析

18.It is revised into:"Rural collective economic organizations practice the double-tier management system that combines unified and separate operations on the basis of the household-based output-related contracted responsibility system.修改为:“农村集体经济组织实行家庭承包经营为基


collective economy organization集体经济组织

1.The actual rural land system confuses community organization withcollective economy organization in rural areas,having negative effects on fairness and efficiency.现行农地制度混同了农村社区组织和农村集体经济组织,在正义和效率两方面都造成了负面影响,其深层次利益动因是国家通过其基层代理人——社区组织替代集体经济组织行使土地所有权从而获取制度收益。

2.In the countryside house business domain, a prominent change is the buyer expand from beforehandcollective economy organization interior member to the outside village villagers even cities inhabitant.在农村房屋买卖领域,一个突出的变化,就是购买主体由以前的集体经济组织内部成员扩大到外村村民甚至城镇居民。

3)Collective Economic Organizations集体经济组织

1.The Reason Discussion on Long-term Survival and System Change of the RuralCollective Economic Organizations——From the Establishment of People′s Commune to the Restructuring of Township Enterprises;农村集体经济组织长期生存与制度变迁原因探讨——兼论人民公社的建立、失败与乡镇企业的改制

2.The evolution of collective economic organizations can be divided into three historical stages: the period of primary cooperatives,senior cooperatives,and household contract responsibility system.集体经济组织的演变可以划分为三个历史阶段,即初级合作社时期、高级合作社时期及家庭联产承包责任制时期。

4)village collective economic organizations村集体经济组织

5)rural collective economic organization农村集体经济组织

1.On Legal Position of Rural Collective Economic Organization in China我国农村集体经济组织法律地位分析

2.To promote the development ofrural collective economic organizations,the critical point is to cognize the constraining conditions and find out feasible countermeasures.推进农村集体经济组织的发展,最为关键的是正确认识发展农村集体经济组织的制约条件,制定切实可行的应对策略。

3.In the trial practice, two problems have been revealed about rural revenue allocation in the currentrural collective economic organization.我国目前农村集体经济组织收益分配纠纷案件一方面呈逐年上升趋势,另一方面在审判实践中还存在着诸如缺少法律依据、定性困难、主体资格难以确认等问题。

6)collective economic organizations membership集体经济组织成员

1.And the dispute oncollective economic organizations membership has fully exposed the conflict between the development of productive forces and the stagnation of certain aspects of the superstructure in the course of rural social .而其焦点村集体经济组织成员资格之争暴露出的是我国农村社会转型过程中生产力发展和上层建筑某些方面相对滞后的矛盾。


