200字范文 > 经济组织 economic organization英语短句 例句大全

经济组织 economic organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-30 20:23:43


经济组织 economic organization英语短句 例句大全

经济组织,economic organization

1)economic organization经济组织

1.Efficient Economic Organizations:the key to Economic Modernization of Japan;有效率的经济组织:日本经济现代化的关键

2.Analysis about the development countermeasure of Changchun agricultural cooperationeconomic organization;长春市农业合作经济组织发展对策探析

3.The Conflict and Correspondence Between the Economic Organization and Government Organization;经济组织和政府组织的冲突与协调——贵州省册亨县调查的分析


1.property of collective economic organizations;集体经济组织的财产;

2.Rural Cooperative Economic Organization--A New Choice of the Chinese Countryside;合作经济组织——我国农村经济组织的一种新选择

plexity of Mult-agents Based Organization;未来的经济组织形态:多智能体组织

4.An Analysis of Institutional Economics of the Rural Cooperative Economic Organization;农村合作经济组织的制度经济学分析

5.Economic Analysis on Farm Household Participating in RuralEconomic Organizations;农户参与农村经济组织的经济学分析

6.Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation亚非经济合作组织(亚非经合组织)

7.Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization黑海经济合作组织(黑海经合组织)

anization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD]经济合作及发展组织〔经合组织〕

anisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)

anization for European Economic Cooperation欧洲经济合作组织(欧经合组织)

anization for International Economic Cooperation国际经济合作组织(经合组织)

12.European Economic Cooperation Organizatio欧洲经济合作化组织

13.the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development经济合作与发展组织

anization for Economic cooperation and Developmect经济合作与开发组织

15.regional economic integration organizatio区域经济一体化组织

16.Regional Economic Co-operation区域经济合作组织。

anisation for Economic Co-operation and Development经济合作及发展组织。

18.Economic Committee [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]经济委员会〔亚太区经济合作组织〕


economic organizations经济组织

1.Fishery coordinated meetings are fishery cooperativeeconomic organizations in Jian’ou,in accordance with the principle "voluntary benefits,but not together do not offer".钟楼、豪栋两村渔业协调会是建瓯市渔业合作经济组织,按照"自愿互利、联而不合、办而不包"原则,服务渔业生产,协调渔业产、供、销之间关系。

2.This thesis,besides the assumption on the reconstruction of Micro-economic organizations in the countryside of central China,initiates the following six suggestions for the accomplishment of the above assumption: continually exploring the strength of families,p.建设新农村背景下,中部农村亟须探讨联产承包责任制与现代化农业生产的对接方式,文章提出了重构中部农村微观经济组织的设想,并就这一设想的实现提出了继续发掘家庭的力量;把建立和完善农村社会保障制度当作头等大事来抓;采取优惠政策鼓励农户间生产上的联合;农地承包经营使用权商品化;建立城乡统一的劳动力市场;调整农村基层组织结构和职能,为重构农村微观经济组织提供体制保障等六点建议。

3.Under market economy, it s necessary and innovative to establish farmers cooperationeconomic organizations(FCEOs).市场经济下农民合作经济组织建立有一定的必要性与创新意义。

3)economy organization经济组织

1.Developing co-operationaleconomy organization in countryside to enhance socialist new countryside construction;积极发展农村合作经济组织,加快社会主义新农村建设步伐

2.It has been proved that a complete social pension system would always come along with well-developedeconomy organization of farmers.建立完善的农村社会养老保险离不开农村经济组织。

4)Self-Organizing Economy自组织经济

5)Organizational Economics组织经济学

1.Organizational Economics:A New Research Paradigm;组织经济学:一个新兴的研秦剑究范式

2.By integrating theories of organizational economics and those of strategic management, the paper aims at studying the relation between environmental dynamism and c.文章通过融合组织经济学和战略管理学理论,研究环境动态性对我国上市公司资本结构及公司绩效的关系。

6)new economic organization新经济组织

1.An analysis on the management mode ofnew economic organizations;新经济组织经营管理模式分析

2.In terms of the relationship between governing the country by law and the leading of Party, this article discusses the necessities of recruiting the excellent members into the Party from the new social strata and thenew economic organizations.本文从依法治国与党的领导的关系入手 ,分析说明了在新时期吸收新社会阶层和新经济组织中优秀分子加入党的组织的必要性 ,提出了在新社会阶层与新经济组织中加强党的领导 ,健全党的组织的基本思路 ,辨析了人们在上述问题上存在的错误认


