200字范文 > 休闲副刊 supplement for leisure time英语短句 例句大全

休闲副刊 supplement for leisure time英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-18 21:49:46


休闲副刊 supplement for leisure time英语短句 例句大全

休闲副刊,supplement for leisure time

1)supplement for leisure time休闲副刊

1.It is obvious that the characteristic,the readable news report are all needed to run a goodsupplement for leisure time.休闲副刊是所有报纸不可或缺的一个版面,它贴近读者生活,反映群众实际,满足大众需要。


1.How to Improve the Scientific Requirement of the Supplement for Leisure Time贴近读者 引领时尚 增强休闲副刊的科学性

2.The Current Situation of Leisure Sport Paper Research in Chinese Core Periodicals of Sport体育核心期刊休闲体育论文研究的现状

3."a state of rest, relaxation, or leisure"休息、放松或休闲的状态.

4.Leisure clothes and shoes, loose and comfortaBle, are easy to put on.休闲服装,休闲鞋,宽松舒服,穿着方便。

5.Life·entertainment·education--On the rejection of education towards entertainment;生命·休闲·教育——兼论教育对休闲的排斥

6.Leisure,Recreational Sport,and Developing Trend in China;休闲、休闲体育及其在中国的发展趋势

parison of Chinese traditional leisure culture and Hesperian leisure values;中国传统休闲文化与西方休闲价值观

8.Cultural Connotations of Leisure Sports from the Perspective of Modern Leisure现代休闲视域中的休闲体育文化意蕴

9.Research of Leisure Behavior and Motive of College Student and Prediction of Leisure Market;大学生休闲行为和休闲动机研究——兼对大学生休闲市场的预测

10.Philosophical contemplation of the essence of sports leisure--Also a discussion about the relations between sports leisure and leisure sports体育休闲本质的哲学思考——兼论体育休闲与休闲体育的关系

11.(The writer is Lianhe Zaobao"s zbNow reporter.)作者是本报副刊记者。

12.The birth of a new supplement--The first series of the study on the supplement to the morning news;一个新式副刊的诞生——《晨报》副刊研究之一

13.The Supplement to the Morning News in Rational Enlightenment --The Second Series of the Study on the Supplement to the Morning News;理性启蒙中的《晨报》副刊——《晨报》副刊研究之二

14.What do you do in your free time?你休闲时间都做些什么?

15.Billiards is a leisure sport台球是一种休闲运动

16.I need a pair of comfortable walking shoes.我需要双舒服的休闲鞋。

17.She reveled in her unaccustomed leisure.喜爱她尚未习惯的休闲

18.leisure means freedom from compulsion,休闲意味着摆脱了羁绊,


magazine"s about amuzement休闲类报刊


1.Study on renewal of Longjing village of the West Lake based on the ideal of leisure;基于休闲理念的西湖龙井村更新探讨

2.The Necessary of Establishing the Nonbarrier Designs in theLeisure Environment;论在休闲环境中建立无障碍设计的必要性

3.Leisure Trend of Significance in Modern Cultural Architecture;当代文化建筑意义的休闲化倾向


1.Construction of high quality recreational space in cities;营造高质量的城市休闲空间环境——以邯郸市休闲空间环境设计为例

2.Extreme recreation based on the connotation and characteristics of extreme sports;基于极限运动的内涵及特点论“极限休闲”

bination of sports and travelling in recreation;休闲中体育与旅游的结合


1.Dynamics of soil microbial biomass and organic matter under barefallow and wheat growth conditions;裸地休闲和春小麦生长条件下土壤微生物量和土壤有机质动态研究

2.Exploitation and Utilization of the Resources in the Fallow Period in Rainfed Area in Shanxi Ⅰ.Assessment of Climatic Resources and Fluctuation of Soilwater;山西旱地休闲期资源可持续开发利用研究──Ⅰ.气候资源评价与土壤水分变化

3.Analysis of actuality and countermeasures of management and selling onfallow biting and supping industry;休闲餐饮业的现状分析及营销对策


1.Knowledge structure of managing personnel in sports asentertainments and leisure activities;试论体育休闲娱乐管理专业人才的知识结构

2.Life·entertainment·education——On the rejection of education towardsentertainment;生命·休闲·教育——兼论教育对休闲的排斥

3.In the comingentertainment trend,on how to speed up the development of Jiangxi s tourism industry and strengthen the marketing competence,it is of great importance to recognize and explore its potential fully,objectively and scientifically.在即将到来的休闲潮流中,充分、客观、科学地认识和挖掘其中潜力,对于加快江西旅游业发展步伐,增强市场竞争实力,有着重大的指导意义。


