200字范文 > 中国两会 Chinas National Peoples Congress(NPC)and Political Consultation Congress(PCC)英语短句 例句大全

中国两会 Chinas National Peoples Congress(NPC)and Political Consultation Congress(PCC)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-11 08:35:37


中国两会 Chinas National Peoples Congress(NPC)and Political Consultation Congress(PCC)英语短句 例句大全

中国"两会",China"s National People"s Congress(NPC)and Political Consultation Congress(PCC)

1)China"s National People"s Congress(NPC)and Political Consultation Congress(PCC)中国"两会"

2)China and Japan中日两国

1.The style and inspirit behavior symptom comparison of dementia senior citizens inChina and Japan;中日两国痴呆老人患病类型及精神行为症状的比较

parative Study on Sport Specialty Education betweenChina and Japan;中日两国体育专业教育比较研究

3.A Comparative Study of the Population Aging inChina and Japan;中日两国人口老龄化再比较研究


1.Functions of National Consciousness in Chinese-Japanese Communications;中日两国的民族意识在两国交往中的作用

2.Incorporation of German Legal System by China and Japan in Modern Times;近代中日两国对德国法律制度的吸收

3.A Study of "Komagaku" in Chinese and Japanese Historical Records;关于中日两国史书中“高丽乐”的研究

4.A Comparative Research on Textbooks of Biology for Using in Senior Middle School in China and Japan;中日两国高中生物学教材的比较研究

5.The Central banks of China and Japan signed a Currency Reciprocal Agreement中日两国央行签署货币互换协议

6.I think this serves the fundamental interests of both China and Japan.这是符合中日两国人民根本利益的。

7.Studies of Sino-Japanese Achievement of the Strategic Upgrading of Economic and Trade Cooperation;中日两国经贸合作战略升级问题研究

8.The Sino-Japan Comparion on Amending Unequal Treaties;晚清中日两国修改不平等条约之比较

9.Variance Analysis on the Higher Vocational Education between China and Japan;中日两国高等职业教育的差异性分析

parison on Vocational Education Model Between China and Japan;中日两国职业教育发展模式比较研究

11.Sino-Japan Peaceful development,Promote East-Asia harmony;中日两国和平发展共同推动东亚和谐

12.A Review of the Study on Natsume-Soseki in China and Japan in the 20th Century;20世纪中日两国夏目漱石研究述评

13.Brief Analysis on China-Japan Diplomatic Policies Before the Jiawu War;甲午战前中日两国外交政策思想浅析

14.A Comparative Study on Undergraduate Education Curriculum Reform of Universities between China and Japan;中日两国大学本科课程改革比较研究

15.On Promoting & Developing Sino-Japanese Relation Step by Step;循序渐进地推动和发展中日两国关系

16.Reflection of Language Teaching in China & Japan from‘Last Class’;从《最后一课》看中日两国语文教学

parative Study on Family Concept and Current Situation between China and Japan;中日两国家庭观念与现状的比较研究

18.Research on Difference of Height and Weight of Youths Between China and Japan;中日两国青少年身高体重差异的研究


China and Japan中日两国

1.The style and inspirit behavior symptom comparison of dementia senior citizens inChina and Japan;中日两国痴呆老人患病类型及精神行为症状的比较

parative Study on Sport Specialty Education betweenChina and Japan;中日两国体育专业教育比较研究

3.A Comparative Study of the Population Aging inChina and Japan;中日两国人口老龄化再比较研究


1.Contrast Study onSino-Vietnam Human Resource Management;中越两国人力资源管理比较研究

4)China and America中美两国

1.The Comparative Research on Adolescents Sexual Education inChina and America;中美两国青少年性教育比较研究

2.There are many differences of college entrance examination system betweenChina and America on content,organizing institute system,function,etc.中美两国的大学招生考试系统在内容、结构、功能上都存在差异,这是两国考试系统自身演化与社会环境选择相结合的结果。

3.The curriculum in Secondary School in bothChina and America had been reformed three times during 50~70s of 20th century.中美两国在 2 0世纪的 5 0~ 70年代间 ,对中学课程进行了频繁的改革 ,较集中的有三次 ,这些改革是第二次世界大战后很有代表性和特色的中学课程改革。

5)China and Korea中韩两国

1.Analyzing the Reality of Exchange and Cooperation in Education betweenChina and Korea;中韩两国教育交流与合作的实态分析

2.The article aims to explore into the origin of such tales inChina and Korea and interpret the correlation between stories from the Buddhist scripture and f.探讨中韩两国“高僧与美女故事”的佛经渊源,并阐释佛经故事与中韩两国民间故事的关联,这对梳理和探索佛经文学,以及研究佛经对中朝两国民间故事的影响具有重要的意义。

6)China and India中印两国

1.The Differences in Development Mode betweenChina and India;试析中印两国不同的发展道路


