200字范文 > 桃源情结 The Chinese Writer英语短句 例句大全

桃源情结 The Chinese Writer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 19:41:19


桃源情结 The Chinese Writer英语短句 例句大全

桃源情结,The Chinese Writer

1)The Chinese Writer桃源情结

2)The Cherry Orchard complex樱桃园情结


1.Modification of Bentonite ofTaoyuan with Sodium Carbonate;桃源膨润土钠化改型研究

2.Geochemical Characteristics of Lamprophyre from theTaoyuanXiaotongjiapuzi Gold Ore Belt and Their Geological Significance;辽宁桃源-小佟家堡子金矿带煌斑岩的地球化学特征及地质意义

3.The Dominance of Taoism and the Deification of"Taoyuan"Image in Tang Dynasty;唐人慕道与“桃源”意象之仙化


mon People Evey Shangr-la, And Where Can Find My Shangri-la?--To Analyse the Reclusive Motif of Daibiaoyuan s Poems;世人羡桃源,桃源复何有——戴表元诗歌的隐逸主题剖析

2.Such a tranquil scene in a paradise of a place or Shangrila is certainly fascinating and enchanting.这幽美的“世外桃源”,着实令人神往。

3.I feel as if I have been in a different world .我感觉好像置于一人世外桃源。

4.They view colleges as an ivory tower.他们把学院视作世外桃源。

5.I feel as if I had been in a different world.我感觉好像置身于一个世外桃源。

6.an enchanted timeless world like no other...一个被施了魔法的永恒世界,世外桃源……

7.Tibet is the world"s last Shangri-La.西藏是世界上最后一个世外桃源。

8.This was the fifth night Of my trip upstream from Taoyuan.从桃源县沿河而上这已是第五个夜晚。

9.Life is no garden of Eden at the moment.现时的生活并非世外桃源.

10.holiday village -- a scenic spot and a haven of peace for tourists.旅游胜地度假村,世外桃源村中有。

11.On the Xiangxi Novels and the Complex of Arcadia of Mr. Shen Congwen论沈从文的“湘西”小说与“桃源”情结

12.The Story of The Peach Blossom Valley and verification of various dreamlands;《桃花源记》与东南西北桃花源求真

13.But where after all was this ancient Shangrila?桃花源究竟在何处?

14.The Origin of the Term Tαυγ(?)στ.;“桃花石”(Tαυγáστ)名称源流考

15.Searching the Peach Garden --About Tao Yuanming s opus Taohuayuan Notes and Poetry ;追寻桃花源——也谈陶渊明的《桃花源记并诗》

16.The Seclusion Spirits of Utopia:Paradise Peach--Reread Paradise Peach Note and Poetry隐逸精神乌托邦:桃花源——重读《桃花源记》并诗

17.Why Just the Peach Garden--The use of the Peach Blossom Image and Its Image;为何偏是“桃花”源——谈《桃花源》中桃花意象的选择及其对后世的影响

ments on Yang Lida s A Record of the Peach Blossom Pond;寻找女人的桃花源——评杨丽达的小说《桃花塘记》


The Cherry Orchard complex樱桃园情结


1.Modification of Bentonite ofTaoyuan with Sodium Carbonate;桃源膨润土钠化改型研究

2.Geochemical Characteristics of Lamprophyre from theTaoyuanXiaotongjiapuzi Gold Ore Belt and Their Geological Significance;辽宁桃源-小佟家堡子金矿带煌斑岩的地球化学特征及地质意义

3.The Dominance of Taoism and the Deification of"Taoyuan"Image in Tang Dynasty;唐人慕道与“桃源”意象之仙化

4)The Notes of the Peach Garden桃花源记

1.Tao Yuanming sThe Notes of the Peach Garden and His View of Living Environment;从《桃花源记》看陶渊明的生存环境观

5)Taoyuan chicks桃源鸡

1.Analysis on slaughter performance and muscle nutrient content ofTaoyuan chicks;桃源鸡屠宰性能测定及肌肉营养组成分析

2.This article summarizes the cultivar origin and performance ofTaoyuan chicks,and making a preliminary analysis on utilization approaches and developing prospects toTaoyuan chicks.作者综述了桃源鸡的品种来源及生产性能,并初步分析了桃源鸡的开发途径和开发前景。

6)Juqlans siqillata resource核桃资源

1.Based on the data of thematic Juqlans siqillata inventory in in Yangbi county,the paper summarizes the area,yield,the number,distribution and characteristics ofJuqlans siqillata resource in this county.根据漾濞县森林资源二类调查中的核桃专项调查资料,概述了漾濞县核桃资源面积、产量、株数、分布情况及其资源特点,采用理论结合实际的方法,对全县核桃资料价值量进行全面估算结果,林木价值量为11。


