200字范文 > 不良孕产 adverse pregnancy英语短句 例句大全

不良孕产 adverse pregnancy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-15 07:56:09


不良孕产 adverse pregnancy英语短句 例句大全

不良孕产,adverse pregnancy

1)adverse pregnancy不良孕产

1.Objective: To search the regular pattern of NOR (nuclear organizer region) rRNA gene activity in couples withadverse pregnancy.目的 :研究不良孕产夫妇核仁组织区rRNA基因活性的特点。

2.To search the cytogenctic mechanism ofadverse pregnancy,a study was carried out on 110 couples,57 of them with unexplainedadverse pregnancy and 57 served as a control.为研究不良孕产夫妇染色体着丝粒 -动粒复合体 (centromerekinetochorecomplex ,CKC)变异与不良孕产的相关性 ,探索不良孕产中非整倍体形成的细胞遗传学基础 ,应用改良的着丝粒点 -核仁组织区 (Cd NOR)同步银染技术 ,分别对 5 3对不明原因的不良孕产夫妇和 5 7对已生育正常儿的正常夫妇外周血淋巴细胞染色体CKC变异类型及频率进行研究和分析。


1.Objective To investigate the characteristics of abnormal gestation and birth on the basis of medical genetics.目的探讨不良孕产史医学细胞遗传学主要特征。

2.Infected, Genetics and Immunologic Factors of Patients with the History of Abnormal Pregnancy History;不良孕产史患者感染、遗传和免疫因素的研究

3.Study on chromosome karyotype of 854 cases with abnormal pregnancy-labor history854例不良孕产史夫妇的染色体核型分析

4.Cytogenetical analysis on 786 couples with negative reproductive history786对不良孕产史夫妇的细胞遗传学分析

5.Analysis of cytogenetis and immunological in 84 cases with the history of abnormal pregnancy84例不良孕产史夫妇的细胞遗传学和免疫学分析

6.Analysis of the Relationship of TORCH Infection and Abnormal Pregnancy in 353 Cases;353例孕妇TORCH感染与不良流产的关系

7.Certain types of malnutrition during the early months of pregnancy may have similar effects.怀孕早期某些类型的营养不良可能产生类似影响。

8.This child died soon after premature birth at 23 weeks gestation from pulmonary hypoplasia as a result of oligohydramnios.婴儿因羊水过少导致的肺发育不良在孕23周早产后死亡。

9.Results Adverse state of mind is comparatively more often shown on elder, illiterate and abnormal pregnant and parturient women who need psychological support.结果:高年龄、文化程度及异常妊娠孕产妇出现不良心理状态相对偏高,此类病人需要心理护理。

10.Application of modified body position fixation method for patients with infertility accepting laparoscopy体位固定改良法在不孕症腹腔镜检查中的应用

11.The predictive value of elevated maternal serum β-human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in adverse pregnancy outcomes in the second trimester of pregnancy.孕中期高溶度Free-β-hCG预测不良妊娠结局的价值

12.The role of serum progesterone and CA125 in the diagnosis of early pregnancy outcome of non-performing血清孕酮及CA125在诊断早期妊娠不良结局的作用

13.Premature Birth: Birth less than 37 weeks after conception.早产:早产为孕期不足37周的分娩。

14.(of a pregnant woman)about to give birth(指孕妇)临产.,

15.The abortion arose from an accidental fall.流产是由于(孕妇)不慎摔倒所致。

16.Analysis of multiple obstetrical factors of neonatal asphyxia in different gestational age不同孕龄新生儿窒息的产科因素探讨

17.The relationships between anticardiolipin antibody and abortion as well as infertility抗心磷脂抗体与自然流产、不孕的关系

18.Clinical Analysis of the Relationship between Induced Abortion and Secondary Infertility人工流产与继发不孕关系的临床分析


abnormal child-bearing history不良孕产史

1.Cytogenectical analysis of 1075 patients withabnormal child-bearing history;1057例不良孕产史患者细胞遗传学分析

3)unfavorable emotions in the course of pregnancy孕产期不良情绪

4)Badness pregnancy不良孕育

5)bad assets不良资产

1.Empirical Analysis on the Number of Bad Assets of Chinese Central Banks;中国央行不良资产规模实证研究

2.Analysis on the disposition ofbad assets with the trust method;利用信托方式处置不良资产的探讨

3.Thoughts on makingbad assets securities;对不良资产证券化的思考

6)Abnormal birth不良产


己酸羟孕酮 ,已酸孕酮药物名称:长效黄体酮英文名:Hydroxyprogesterone别名: 长效黄体酮;己酸羟孕酮 ,已酸孕酮 适应症: 可用于防治流产、月经不调、功能性子宫出血、子宫内膜异位症、子宫内膜癌、乳腺癌、慢性前列腺肥大症等。与雌激素类合用作避孕药,含本品的宫内避孕器,每日恒速释药65μg,避孕效果达1年以上,几无全身反应。此外,本品也可用于治疗输尿管结石。 用量用法: 深部肌注:每次0.25~0.5g,每周1次(用于癌症每周3次)。用于前列腺肥大,每周3g,分次注射,2~14个月为1疗程。用于避孕:于来月经第5日肌注0.5g,以后于来月经第10~12日肌注0.25g,每月1次。 注意事项: 严重肝、肾疾病患者忌用。 规格: 片剂:0.125g/1ml、0.25g/1ml、0.25g/2ml。 类别:性激素及促性激素
