200字范文 > 农村贫困生 rural students in poverty英语短句 例句大全

农村贫困生 rural students in poverty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-24 14:17:13


农村贫困生 rural students in poverty英语短句 例句大全

农村贫困生,rural students in poverty

1)rural students in poverty农村贫困生

1.Based on the field research in 177 towns of 38 counties/cities of 6 midwest provinces and autonomous regions(Hubei,Henan,Guangxi,Yunnan,Shanxi and Inner Mongolia),this paper expounds some viewpoints about the subsidization forrural students in poverty at the stage of compulsory education.本文根据对中西部地区6个省(自治区)38个县(市)177个乡镇中小学布局调整的实地调研了解到的情况,就义务教育阶段农村贫困生的资助问题谈了自己的看法。


1.My Opinion on Subsidization for Rural Students in Poverty at the Stage of Compulsory Education;义务教育阶段农村贫困生资助之我见

2.A Study on the Problem & Solution of Higher Education for Rural Poor Students;农村贫困生上大学难的问题及对策研究

3.Measures against Unhealthy Mentality of Vulnerable Students from Rural Areas in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校农村贫困生不良心理应对策略

4.Family Planning-induced Poverty in Rural Families;农村计划生育贫困家庭致贫问题探讨

5.Analysis on Prescriptions in Rural Clinics in Poverty-stricken Area of Chongqing重庆农村贫困地区村卫生室处方浅析

6.Finding Analysis on the Rural Poor Families Induced by Family Planning;农村计划生育贫困家庭状况调查分析

7.An Empirical Analysis on the Criteria of Poverty of College Students-Take college students from rural areas as an example;贫困大学生判别标准的实证分析——以农村贫困大学生为例

8.Present Poverty Situations in China Rural Areas and Tactics of Anti-poverty;我国农村贫困现状与反贫困策略分析

9.Anti-poverty Strategic Model in the Rural Area in the West of China--"Anti-poverty Through Education";西部农村反贫困战略模式:“教育反贫困”

10.The Characteristics of China Rural Poverty and the Advice of Anti-poverty;中国农村贫困的特征以及反贫困对策

11.Agricultural and Rural Development Strategy for Poverty Area with Vulnerable Ecological Environment in China;生态脆弱经济贫困区农业农村发展战略

12.Reducing the population living under poverty line in countryside.29、减少农村贫困人口。

13.Among the disabled poor in the rural areas, 30 percent lived in the 592 state-designated impoverished counties.在农村的贫困残疾人中,30%生活在592个国定贫困县。

14.Rural Poverty Status and Countermeasures of Eliminating Rural Poverty in China;中国农村贫困状况分析和消除农村贫困的思考

15.One of the study about poverty and antipoverty of the countryside in Hubei province--The present situation and reason of the countryside in Hubei province;湖北省农村贫困与反贫困研究之一——湖北省农村贫困的现状及原因

16.6. Family planning has accelerated the process of eradicating poverty in rural China.六、计划生育促进了中国农村消除贫困的进程。

17.On the Mental Issues and Strategy of Penury Students in Countryside High School;农村高中贫困生常见心理问题及相应对策

18.Poverty Occurrence Mechanism in Rural China and Government Control Mechanism;中国农村贫困的发生机理及政府控制机制研究


poverty-stricken students from rural area农村贫困大学生

1.The concept "Psychological Inferiority" is used in this paper to emphasize various psychological situation demonstrated by thepoverty-stricken students from rural area, after they entered college, the symbol of urban civilization.本文运用"心理弱势"这一概念来强调农村贫困大学生进入代表着城市文明标志的大学后,在心理上所呈现的状况。

3)Penury students in countryside senior high school农村高中贫困生

4)rural poverty农村贫困

1.The Calculation and Analysis of Rural Poverty from 1985 to in Hubei Province;1985-湖北省农村贫困测算与模拟分析

2.The Impact of Labor Division on Formation of Rural Poverty;分工水平对农村贫困形成的影响分析——以云南省昭通市为例

3.Research on Regional Vulnerability and Rural Poverty;区域脆弱性与农村贫困研究

5)poor countryside贫困农村

1.After "Nine - Year Universal Compulsory Education", the rate of discontinuance from study is still very high during the stage of compulsory education inpoor countryside because of the influence and restriction from internal, external and other factors.“普九”以后,由于受教育内部、外部等诸多因素的影响和制约,贫困农村义务教育阶段学生辍学率依然很高。

6)impoverished countryside贫困农村

1.Research on physique condition of senior citizens inimpoverished countryside of plain area of Henan province;河南省平原地区贫困农村老年人体质健康状况调查及对策研究


