200字范文 > 现代武术 modern martial arts英语短句 例句大全

现代武术 modern martial arts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-10 23:51:22


现代武术 modern martial arts英语短句 例句大全

现代武术,modern martial arts

1)modern martial arts现代武术

1.Using the methods of documentary material and logical analysis, we make a comparison between traditional martial arts andmodern martial arts, find their advantages and disadvantages and analyze how to inherit, develop, and create them.采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法对传统武术、现代武术的优劣问题 ,武术的继承、发展与创新问题进行分析 ,结果表明 :武术的发展应把传统武术、现代武术、竞技武术融为一体 ,使武术这项优秀的文化遗产更加科学、完

2.The correct understanding of the nature ofmodern martial arts is premise and basis for scientific understanding ofmodern martial arts.正确的理解现代武术的技击本质,是科学地认识现代武术的前提和基础。


1.Wushu at that time is totally different from Wushu in modern times.那时的武术,与现代武术完全不同。

2.On the Differences between Modern Wushu and Traditional Wushu;中华传统武术与现代武术之差异管窥

3.The Penetration Tradition Martial Arts Look at the Pole Merit to the Modern Martial Arts Influence;透过传统武术看桩功对现代武术的影响

4.Huo Yuan Jia s Jin Wu Spirits and its Implication to Modern Martial Arts;霍元甲的精武精神及其对现代武术的启示

5.Tradition and Competition: Reflection and Consideration on Modern Martial Arts;传统与竞技:现代武术发展回顾与思考

6.The Revelation of YU Dayou s Sword Classics to Modern Sanshou;俞大猷《剑经》对现代武术散手的启示

7.The modern weapons are classified as strategic, operational and tactical ones.现代武器分为战略武器、役武器、术武器。

8.Research on the Comparison between Traditional Wushu and Modern Competition Wushu;关于传统武术与现代竞技武术的比较研究

9.Value Philosophy of Traditional Wushu Culture in Modernization;传统武术文化在武术现代化中的价值取向

10.Internationalization of Martial Arts-Values of Traditional Martial Arts and Its Modernization;武术国际化——传统武术的价值与现代化转型

11.Collision and Conformity--Studying about the Development of the Traditional Wushu and the Modern Competitive Whushu;碰撞与整合——论传统武术与现代竞技武术的发展

12.Modern Wushu Competition in the Non-language Arts论现代竞技武术套路中的非语言艺术

13.From the Character "Wu" in Jiaguwen to Recent Definition of Wushu;从甲骨文“武”字的含义到现代意义的武术概念

14.A comparative study on the manifestation of Chinese Wushu and Japanese Wudao;当代中国武术与日本武道表现形式的比较研究

15.The Mode Evolution of Attack and Defense of Traditional Wushu and Its Modernization Development;传统武术技击模式演进与现代化发展

16.On the Impact of Modern Media on the Development of Wushu;探析现代传媒对中国武术发展的影响

munications Thinking to Modern Development of the Emei Wushu;峨嵋武术文化现代发展的传播学思考

18.On the Influence of Tae Kwon Do Entering the Olympic Games on the Modernization of Chinese Wushu;跆拳道入奥对中国武术现代化的影响


Modern Wushu现代武术

1.In recent years, with the vigorous development of Wushu sports and the emergence of confusions and embarrassment ofModern Wushu in the development, the development ofModern Wushu have become an increasingly urgent problem.近年来,随着现代武术运动的蓬勃发展,社会上存在着对武术和现代武术的概念把握不清、对于现代武术运动形式的划分种种不一等问题,在现代武术发展中也出现一些困惑和尴尬。

3)Wushu modernization武术现代化

4)modern ideology of Chinese martial art现代武术观

5)athletic Wushu现代竞技武术

1.Harmonious development of traditional Wushu andathletic Wushu in the century;21世纪传统武术与现代竞技武术的和谐发展原则

6)Sanshou in modern Wushu现代武术散打


