200字范文 > 山西武术 Shanxis Martial arts英语短句 例句大全

山西武术 Shanxis Martial arts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-21 02:57:25


山西武术 Shanxis Martial arts英语短句 例句大全

山西武术,Shanxi"s Martial arts

1)Shanxi"s Martial arts山西武术


1.The Influence of Secret Societies of Qing Dynasty on the Development of Shanxi" Wushu清代秘密结社对山西武术发展的影响初探

2.The Current Situation and the Thoughts on Reformation of Wushu Sanda of Shanxi Province;山西省武术散打运动现状与改革设想

3.Study on Present Situation of Wushu Teaching of Shanxi Province University;山西省普通高校武术教学现状调查研究

4.Research on the Actuality and Countermeasures of Wushu Teaching of Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province;山西省普通高校武术教学现状及对策研究

5.The Present Situation and Developing Countermeasure of Social Organization of Wushu in Shanxi Province;山西省民间武术社团的现状与发展对策

6.The Current Situation of Wushu as a Body-building Activity in Shanxi and the Research on Its Spreading Strategies;山西省武术健身活动的现状与推广策略研究

7.Urban Wushu Community Current Situation Development and Countermeasures in Shanxi Province山西省城市社区武术发展现状与对策研究

8.The Research on the Content of Wushu Teaching Materials in Colleges and Universities of Shanxi Province山西省普通高校体育课武术教材内容设置研究

9.Traditional Wushu Championships in Shanxi Province and the Value of Historical Research山西省传统武术锦标赛历史与价值研究

10.Investigation and Analysis of Current Situations of Wushu Societies--A Report on the Current Development of Wushu Societies in the Five Provineces of Shanxi,Hubei,etc.;中国武术社团现状调查与分析——湖北山西等五省市的武术社团发展现状报告

11.On the Feasibility of Teaching Regional Traditional Wushu in Shanxi Colleges and Universities;山西省普通高校开展地方传统武术教学的可行性研究

12.Problems in Wushu Teaching in Shanxi Colleges and Universities and Counter Measures;山西省普通高校武术教学中存在的主要问题及对策

13.Exploration of Mount Wudang as a source of Chinese Wushu;武当山武术是中国武术源头之一的探析

14.The Misunderstanding on Emei Wushu in Novels and Movies;浅淡武侠小说和武侠电影对峨眉山武术的误读

15.Wudang Mountains Residents" Recognition to and Attitudes towards Wudang Wushu武当山特区居民对武当武术影响的感知和态度

16.The products are sold well on Hebei, Shanxi, Beijing, Xian, Wuhan market, etc.产品畅销河北、山西、北京、西安、武汉等地。

17.The Characteristics of Gas Reservoir of Emeishan Basalts in Southwest of Sichuan;川西南“峨眉山玄武岩”气藏特征研究

18.The Authentication of the Shadow Play about Officers against Window Paper in Xiaoyi, Shanxi, in Ming Dynasty;明代山西孝义武将纸窗影人真伪考述



1.Paleoclimatic and Plaeoenvironmental Evolution Since Holocene in theNingwu Area, Shanxi Province;山西宁武地区全新世以来气候与环境变化

2.33 cores from 19 Chinese pine trees(Pinus tabulaeformis)have been collected inNingwu region(38°50′N,112°05′E),Shanxi Province.功率谱分析表明山西宁武上年8月至当年7月降水含有2。

3)west Wuyi Mountain西武夷山

4)Wudang Mount martial arts武当山武术

5)Meishan Wushu梅山武术

6)western slope of Wuyi Mountain武夷山西坡

1.Based on field investigation and comprehensive study,this paper systematically summarizes the geological background,and geophysical and geochemical anomalous features for the formation of tin deposits on thewestern slope of Wuyi Mountain,and points out the ore potential region and target areas for tin prospecting.本文在野外调查和综合研究基础上, 比较系统地总结了武夷山西坡锡矿成矿地质背景、地球物理、地球化学异常特征,并指出了找矿标志和找锡靶区。


山西1.山的西坡。 2.战国﹑秦﹑汉时称崤山﹑华山以西地区。又称关西。 3.称太行山以西黄河以东地区。隋末置山西河东黜陟讨捕大使,元置河东山西道宣慰使司,明置山西行中书省,清至今皆为山西省。
