200字范文 > 民间武术 civil martial arts英语短句 例句大全

民间武术 civil martial arts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-11 04:48:11


民间武术 civil martial arts英语短句 例句大全

民间武术,civil martial arts

1)civil martial arts民间武术

1.By means of literature review and logical analysis,from the perspective of intangible cultural heritage and its protection,the rationality,importance and necessity of protection forcivil martial arts as intangible cultural heritage have been analyzed and counter measures for the protection have been put forward.运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,站在非物质文化遗产及其保护的视角下,分析了我国民间武术作为非物质文化遗产来保护的合理性、重要性、必要性,同时提出了民间武术文化遗产保护对策:1)构建分级保护体系;2)进行数字化整理和编目;3)培植民间武术传人;4)开发文化表现形式及文化空间活动;5)开展学校教育。


1.taekwondo became the dominant form.跆拳道才成为主要的民间武术形式。

2.Analysis on the Influential Factors in the Development of Civil Wushu Organizations;对影响民间武术社团发展因素的分析

3.Invasion of Nomadic Nationalities from the North Improved Influences of Folk WuShu of Central Plain in Ancient China;我国古代北方游牧民族对中原民间武术的影响

4.On the Flourishing and Declining Development of Wushu among the Chinese Ancient People;论“以武犯禁”与“御贼备战”——中国古代民间武术兴衰考析

5.The Present Situation and Developing Countermeasure of Social Organization of Wushu in Shanxi Province;山西省民间武术社团的现状与发展对策

6.Inheriting Characteristics,Contemporary Value and Developmental Strategy of Chinese Folk Wushu;中国民间武术的传承特征、当代价值与发展方略

7.Intangible Cultural Heritage and Protection of Civil Martial Arts in China非物质文化遗产与我国民间武术文化保护

8.The Research of China"s Civil Wushu Culture"s Heritage and the Protection我国民间武术运动文化遗产的传承与保护研究

9.The development of Wushu among the people formed its special characteristics between the authorities" attitude of encouragement and prohibition.民间武术发展就是在“禁”、放”夹缝中形成了自身的特色。

10.Various Korean forms of martial arts have existed but in the early 20th century,虽然形式多样的韩国民间武术早已经存在,但直到20世纪初,

11.Historical and cultural characteristics of Hebei folk Wushu and its cause of formation;对河北民间武术历史文化特征及其成因的初步研究

12.During its development, it incorporated much from the farming songs, "Lingge"(a kind of folk song), folk wushu (a form of physical culture), acrobatics and traditional operas.并在发展过程中不断吸收农歌、菱歌(民歌的一种形式)、民间武术、杂技以及戏曲的技艺与形式,

13.Huizhou Regional Wu Shu: a Phenomenon of Folk Culture;徽州地域武术:一种民间文化现象综述

14.On Restraining Factors and Strategies on Influencing Development of Folk Wushu;民间传统武术发展的制约因素及对策

15.It is our tenet to introduce and popularize Chinese martial art both domestically and abroad.让中国武术走向世界,使武术运动在民间普及,是俱乐部的经营宗旨。

16.On Wuyi Civil Traditional Plastic Arts Decorating Pattern;武夷民间传统造型艺术中装饰图案的研究

17.The Worship in Remote Antiquity--Look at the Origin of Folk Art from New Year Painting of Wuqiang;远古时代的崇拜——从武强年画看民间艺术的起源

18.Effect of urbanization of modern times civil boxer coaches on the dissemination and differentiation of martial arts schools;近代民间拳师都市化流向对武术传播与流派分化的影响


Hebei folk Wushu河北民间武术

1.Historical and cultural characteristics ofHebei folk Wushu and its cause of formation;对河北民间武术历史文化特征及其成因的初步研究

3)Folk Wushu民间传统武术

1.On Restraining Factors and Strategies on Influencing Development ofFolk Wushu;民间传统武术发展的制约因素及对策

4)folk Wu-hui民间武会

1.Peking Miao-feng-shanfolk Wu-hui is a form of religion organization—It is depend on faith in Pi-hsia yuan-chun and play at Peking Miao-feng-shan temple fair, offer scarifices and play to Pi-hsia yuan-chun ,comply with the rule of "No gain, with belief", "Service for Pi-hsia yuan-chun"—which formed by the people spontaneous.北京妙峰山民间武会是以碧霞元君信仰为依托和北京妙峰山庙会为平台,以朝顶进香、神前献技为目的,秉承“分文不取、一秉诚心”、“为娘娘当差”的价值理念,由人民大众自发结成的民间组织。

5)Wudang folk culture武当民间文化

6)private Wushu school民办武术馆(校)


河北话考究—河北方言发音河北各地方言和普通话的声母存在着不同程度、不同方面的差异,总体上看,比较突出的有以下几个问题: ㈠舌尖前音(平舌音z、c、s)和舌尖后音(翘舌音zh、ch、sh) 这两组声母的使用在河北省大部分地区与普通话基本相同,但在部分地区问题比较突出,主要有3种情况: 1、只有z组而没有zh组,所有的zh组字都读成z组字。如将“三”(sān)“山” (shān)均读为sān。存在这种情况的主要有张北、万全、崇礼、康保、怀安、蔚县、沽源、阳原,衡水市、冀州,涞源,涉县等。 2、有zh组而没有z组,所有的z组字都读成zh组字。如将“四”(sì)“市”(shì)均读为shì。存在这种情况的主要有魏县的大部分地区、临漳南部,抚宁、卢龙北部,乐亭、迁安两县的部分地区。 3、z、zh两组字都有,但使用情况与普通话不同。如“春”(chūn)在方言中读为cūn,而“成”(chéng)则和普通话的声母一致。存在这种情况的主要有沧州东部各市县,新河、清河及隆尧的部分地区,张家口市、怀来、尚义、赤城等地区,还有雄县,昌黎等地区。 从发音原理上看,这两组声母的差异是发音部位的差异,即二者在发音时成阻部位是不同的。z组声母是舌尖和上齿背成阻,zh组声母则是舌尖和硬腭前部成阻。所以前者叫“平舌音”,后者叫“翘舌音”。学习“翘舌音”时,一定要注意成阻部位,不要为追求“翘舌”而使得舌尖过于靠后,从而影响了发音的准确性。
