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双语 bilingual英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-05 06:32:58


双语 bilingual英语短句 例句大全



1.A Review on the Model of Bilingual Memory Representation;双语记忆表征的模型及相关研究述评

2.On the Classroom Teaching of Bilingual Courses;双语课程的课堂教学初探


1.Naxi-Chinese Bilingual Corpus and Building a Bilingual Corpus Alignment纳-汉双语语料库构建及双语语料对齐

2.The phenomena of bilingual and two-cultures viewed from the transference of language code in bilingual education of Bei nationality从白族双语教育中语码转换看双语双文化现象

3.Theorieforschung Des Bilingualen Unterrichts Sowie Untersuchung Des Bilingualen Unterrichts in China;双语教学的理论和中国双语教学研究

4.A Probe into the Differentiation Between Compound Bilingual Interpreters and Integrated Bilingual Interpreters;译员:并列双语者抑或合成双语者?

5.Exploration of Bilingual Teaching Reform and Improvement of Bilingual Teaching Quality in Science;探索理科双语教改 提高双语教学质量

6.Preliminary research on bilingual teaching and bilingual teacher development;双语教学及其双语教师队伍建设初探

7.On “Illiterate Bilinguals”and “Literate Bilinguals”;论“文盲双语人”与“非文盲双语人”

8.Bilingualism,Bidialectism and Children"s English Education双语制、双方言与幼儿英语教育研究

9.The Semantic-Priming Experimental Study on the Bilingual Representation in Mongolians;蒙古族双语者双语表征的语义启动实验研究

10.Research in bilingual phonology development with different language combination reveals that the phonological development in bilingual is different from that of monolinguals.双语语音发展研究显示双语儿童的语音发展明显异于单语儿童。

11.The Influence of Bilingual Level on Bilingual Teaching --A Case Study on Bilingual Teaching in The Changji Hui Nationality Middle School;论双语水平对双语教学的影响——昌吉回民中学双语教学个案研究

12.On the Pragmatic Information of Idioms in English-Chinese Learner s Dictionary;英汉双语学习词典中习语的语用信息

13.The Research of Mother Tongue Teaching in Chinese-English Bilingual Education Language Environment;(汉英)双语教学语境中的母语教学研究

14.A Corpus-based Study of Semantic Prosodies and Bilingual Dictionaries;基于语料库的语义韵研究和双语词典

15.Semantic Access of Proficient Chinese-English Bilinguals to a Third Language;熟练中-英双语者三语词汇的语义通达

16.Language Experience and Language Dominance in Bilinguals;语言经验可以改变双语者的主导语言

17.The Mechanism of Semantic Access when Proficient Uighur-Chinese Bilinguals Reading Chinese Words;熟练维-汉双语者汉语语义的通达机制

18.Bilingual Appliance in Non-major college English Teaching;非英语专业大学英语课堂的双语运用



1.The relationship betweenbilingualism and cognitive development is an important problem in which psychologists are concerned.双语与认知发展的关系一直是心理学家关注的一个重要问题。

2.In the rapid development ofbilingualism,Kazhuo young people encounter two new problems in language acquisition.云南蒙古族喀卓人是一个全民双语的群体。

3)Bilingual education双语

1.These paper is trying to discuss what kind of cultural content should be introduced and what teaching method should be used in bilingual education.本文就双语教学中文化引入的内容与方法进行了阐

2.The bilingual education origins from 19th century in US.双语教学起源于19世纪的美国。

3.Multimedia,internet platform,CAI,computer aided practice as well as bilingual education have been added to the process of it,which makes the teaching model modern and innovative.以贯彻"十一五"规划、提高教学质量为指针,将机械原理课程进行了大胆的教学改革,把多种传播媒体及网络手段引入教学过程中,开展计算机辅助教学与实践,革新作业模式,开展双语教学等,促使教学方法和手段现代化并有所创新。

4)bilingual teaching双语

1.Enhancing research onbilingual teaching of basic theories of Chinese medicine;加强中医基础理论教学中的双语教学研究

2.My thought and exploration onbilingual teaching of Chinese medicine;中医双语教学的思考与探索

3.The paper discusses onbilingual teaching mode in district high colleges from the essential ofbilingual teaching to the basic condition of district high colleges,moreover,it also points some feasible methods that are fit for the development inbilingual teaching.双语教学自开展以来,全国各大高校纷纷推出各种专业的双语教学课程,但是在实施的过程中却出现了不少问题和困难亟待解决和探讨。

5)parallel corpora双语语料

1.Automatic alignment ofparallel corpora is an important research subject in natural language processing area.双语语料自动对齐是自然语言处理的一个重要研究课题。

6)bilingual chunk双语语块

1.In this paper,a new algorithm is proposed which identifies thebilingual chunk on the basis of equivalent of notional word so as to ensure the correct alignment of chunk and also effectively avoid the disagreement of thebilingual chunk boundary.提出了一种新的语块对应算法 ,该算法是建立在实词对应基础上来划分语块的 ,这样可以保证语块正确对应的同时 ,有效地避免了双语语块边界划分不一致的情况。


Proe中文菜单双语菜单Proe中文菜单、双语菜单 设环境变量 lang=chs 在config.pro里面添加 menu-translatiuon yes或both msg-translation yse hlp-translation yes 在config文件中加入 menu_translat both -使用本地语言和英语两种语言(双语莱单) Pro-e2001中文版 1、环境变量增加:lang 变量值为chs 2、option中增加MENU_TRANSLATION, 选项中有3个 YES:翻译为中文 NO:不进行翻译 BOTH:双语显示 pro\E的发装方法请参考 安装者必须装有Windows NT、2000 或 Windows XP (现以Windows2000为例) 1:ProE的安装需要一块处于活动状态的网卡 如果您已经有物理网卡(也就是真正的网卡),那就请您直接运行光盘里的SETUP.EXE。如果显示“PTC主机ID XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX”(如02-00-4C-4F-4F-50),这就说明您的网卡处于活动状态,请直接进入第3步进行安装;如果显示“PTC主机ID FF-FF-FF-FF-”,这就说明您的网卡不起作用,那只好请您在“设备管理器”中把网卡禁用,再进入第2步进行安装。 2:安装 Microsoft Loopback Adapter 虚拟网卡。 打开“控制面版”,选择“添加/删除硬件”,选择“网卡”,在众多网卡中选择“Microsoft”,单击“Loopback Adapter”,然后进行安装。 打开“我的电脑”的属性,选择“硬件”,“设备管理器”,打开“网络适配器”,如果安装成功,系统会显示“Microsoft Loopback Adapter” 打开“控制面版”,“网络和拨号连接”(XP为“网络连接”),打开“本地连接”的属性,点击“(TCP/IP)协议”的属性,然后输入一个固定的IP地址,例如192.168.0.1。系统或许会忙一会儿,请稍等。
