200字范文 > 双语人才 bilingual talents英语短句 例句大全

双语人才 bilingual talents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-04 13:52:40


双语人才 bilingual talents英语短句 例句大全

双语人才,bilingual talents

1)bilingual talents双语人才

1.Thebilingual talents with profound knowledge in specialized field and foreign language are necessary for the sustainable development of a harmonious society.经济全球化必然导致高等教育国际化,高校推行双语教学是顺应全球经济化和高等教育国际化的客观要求,精通专业知识又精通外语的复合型、国际性双语人才是实现经济社会可持续发展,构建和谐社会所必需的。


1.The Research on the New Concept of College English Teaching Patterns and Developing Bi-lingual Talents of Financial Economy;大学英语课堂教学模式新理念与财经类双语人才的培养

2.Giving bilingual talent the financial rewards they deserved may be the way to nurture and develop more bilingual talent.这可使双语人才在经济上得到应得的优待,这样或许有助于培养更多双语精英。

3.Reform in Teaching Bilingual Courses and Exploration of Training Model of Bilingual Talents A Case Study of Luneng Primary School in Hamin of Xinjiang;在双语课程教学改革中探索双语人才培养模式——对新疆哈密市鲁能小学的个案分析

4.Exploration of Yi Language and Chinese Bilingual Tanlents Cultivation Model at Colleges--Taking the Majors in Yi Language Department of Xichang College for Example;高校彝汉双语人才培养模式探索——以西昌学院彝文系各专业为个案

5."Singapore"s Bilingual education has nurtured many who have a good command of Both the Chinese and English language,"我国的双语教育是造就了许多精通双语的人才。

6.Cultivate International Tourism Talent by Strengthening Bilingual Education;加强双语教学 培养国际化旅游人才

7.Pursuing Bilingual Teaching, Cultivating Fully-developed Multiple and International Talents;推行双语教学 培养复合型、国际型人才

8.Bilingual Time: What, to you, is the ideal Valentine"s Day?双语时代》:对你们来说,什么才是完美的情人节呢?

9.On applying bilingual teaching method to foster foreign police majors;利用双语教学手段促进涉外警务人才培养

10.Developing the Cooperation between Chinese and Foreign Schools Cultivating Bilingual Talented Persons with High Quality and Techniques;发展中外合作办学 培养双语型高素质技能人才

11.Study on Bilingual Teaching Orienting International Talents Education in Economics and Management;面向国际型经管人才培养的双语教学研究

12.Bilingual Teaching and Training of Versatile Talents for Tourism Industry;论双语教学与旅游专业复合型人才的培养

13.Cultivating the Finance Professionals By Bilingual Education;利用双语教学形式培养高素质的金融专业人才

14.On Preschool Bilingual Education and Intellectuals for 21st Century;早期双语教育对培养现代人才的重要性

15.Bilingual Teaching Strategies of Housekeepers in Star Hotel Make for Internationalization星级酒店管家人才走向国际化的双语教学策略

16.Fujian international trade versatile personnel training and bilingual education福建国际贸易复合型人才培养与双语教学

17.To implement bilingual teaching method in the teaching of private international law is demand of training of the legal talents with interdisciplinary.国际私法实行双语教学,是培养复合型法律人才的需要。

18.“Speciality+English” - A model of cultivating cross disciplinary bidegree graduates;“专业+英语”双学士学位复合型人才培养模式与信息反馈


train bilingual talent培养双语人才

3)bilingual law majors双语法律人才

4)foreign language talents外语人才

1.The paper, therefore, discusses what the basic quality requirements for theforeign language talents in the new era are and how to cultivate the needed talents accordingly.入世后的中国需要大批高素质复合型外语人才 ,这是高等教育面临的重大课题。

2.As foreign language teachers shoulder the task or cultivating high-qualityforeign language talents, their moral integrity, personality, knowledge, abilities, emotions and willpower will exert direct influence upon the students.外语教师肩负着培养社会高素质外语人才的重任,他们的品德、个性、知识、才能、感情与意志对学生有着直接的影响。

5)foreign language learners外语人才

1.In exploring the ways of training creativeforeign language learners in 21st century,both the theoretical study of training mode and the practical use of training approaches are needed.探索21世纪创新型外语人才培养途径,既需要从理论层面进行研究,即探讨创新型外语人才的培养模式;又需要实践层面的应用,即探索培养创新型外语人才的实践途径。

2.The paper discusses, according to the traits of language itself, effective teaching principles and the needs of society, taking advantage of language lab to train the qualifiedforeign language learners is a practical teaching reform.根据语言自身的特点和行之有效的教学原则以及社会现实需要,充分利用高校语言实验室,快速培养外语人才,是一条可行的教改道路。

6)foreign language talent外语人才

1.The study of theforeign language talent"s training model in the economic transition period经济转型期高校外语人才的培养模式分析

2.Accordingly,the education offoreign language talents in the new era should meet the social needs for the cross-disciplinary and practical personnel who will serve at all walks of life.新时期高校本科外语人才培养应满足社会对复合应用型人才的需求。

3.The third generation offoreign language talents will be advanced and innovative elites.第三代外语人才将是尖端的、精英式的创新型人才。


军事人才培养军事人才培养military personnel development and training西安政治学院获硕士学位的毕业学员:vel-攀通受人工作iunshi reneai PeiyQng军事人才培养(mili:ary personneld{opment and training)中国人民解放过教育、训练,造就军事斗争和军队建才的实践活动。中国人民解放军政治的重要内容。简况第一次国内革命战争时期国共产党参与创建黄埔军校,并派出干部进人各类军事学校学习和参加军动。土地革命战争时期,中国工农红立随营学校,创办工农红军大学,培一批从事武装斗争的骨干。抗日战期,创办中国人民抗日军事政治大学分布在各根据地的12所分校,培训了万名各类军事人才。解放战争时期,靠实战锻炼,从战争中学习战争,造众多军政兼优、文武相济的治军人才华人民共和国建立后,为加强中国人中秀活建了时其余要了中解尤薪翼右甲孙丈灯仁优兄总政治邵和教育部有关部门负责人出席为军队培养干部意向书签字仪式解放军画报社供稿变质”两大历l题,着力培养就高素质新型二人才群体。具不容和要求是:(有良好的全刁质,包括思想习素质、军事专2质、科学文化空和身体心理素打一赢未来高技;争一,保持人民鉴的性质、本色习风,要求军事放军革命化、现代化、正规化建设,创建各级各类军事院校和教导队,形成了较为规范的军事教育体系和相对稳定的培训体制。中国共产党第十届三中全会后,中国人民解放军实现了军队建设指导思想的战略性转变,确立厂建设一支强大的现代化、正规化革命军队的总目标。全军恢复和建立各类院校,建立健全初、中、高3级培训体制和各种制度。90年代后期,根据世纪之交国际国内形势对军队建设的新要求,中央军委采取了一系列培养军事人才的重大举措:加快院校教育改革,进行院校体制编制调整改革;借助地方院校的优势,依托普通高等教育培养军队干部;加强继续教育,增强干部发展后劲;开展全军性的科技练兵活动,在训练实践中强化人才的素质养成;加大干部交流力度,培养复合型人才;选拔优秀人才出国考察、深造等。新时期跨世纪军事人才建设取得突出成绩,人民解放军质量建设得到加强。指导方针新时期军事人才培养工作坚持“面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”的指导方针。
