200字范文 > 文本双语主义 textual bilingualism英语短句 例句大全

文本双语主义 textual bilingualism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-03 02:17:48


文本双语主义 textual bilingualism英语短句 例句大全

文本双语主义,textual bilingualism

1)textual bilingualism文本双语主义

1.Self-translation texts provide a substructure fortextual bilingualism via different ways of language and meaning.西方语言的自译作品以语言和意义的不同方式为文本双语主义提供了经验基础,具体化为文本双语主义中主体属性的特点、文本双语主义形成的心理动因及实现途径。


1.On Textual Bilingualism:Study of Self-Translation Texts in Western Language文本双语主义考辨——西方语言自译作品研究

2.On the Convergency of Textualist and Contextualist Stylistics;论文本主义文体学与语境主义文体学的结合

3.Bilingual Education in Xinjiang in the Perspective of Multicultural Theories文化多元主义理论视角中的新疆双语教育

4.Ⅰ - Oriented Self - Concept in English Culture and Others - Oriented Self - Concept in Chinese Culture--On Language Expressions Reflecting Different Culture Perceptions;英语文化的小我本位主义与汉语文化的大我本位主义——不同文化价值观在语言中的投影

5.Two Way Effect of Development of Capitalist Civilization Globally-Reading the Decline and Fall of Capitalist Civilization;全球化环境下资本主义文明发展的双向效应——读《资本主义文明的衰亡》

6.Harmony in the Contrary-On the Dualism of the Left Wing Romantic Literature Texts;悖谬的和谐——论左翼浪漫主义文学文本的双重性征

7.This article is based on humanistic education and outlines the implementation of humanistic approaches in foreign language teaching in our country.本文以外语教学为出发点,探讨人本主义在外语教学中的运用。

8.(Note to "Wage a Resolute Struggle Against Capitalist Tendencies")(《必须对资本主义倾向作坚决的斗争》一文按语)

9.On Tourism Texts Translation from the Functionalist Perspective;从德国功能主义的角度看汉语旅游文本的英译

10.Culture Teaching in Foreign Language Education: A Humanistic Model;人本主义教学:外语教育中文化教学模式

11.The Revelation of Foucault s Discourse and Power on Post-colonial Text Thory;福柯权力话语论对后殖民主义文本理论的启示

12.Enlightenments of the Human-based LearningTheory to Chinese Teaching in Vocational schools;人本主义学习理论对职业学校语文教学的启示

13.An Allegorical Text of Modernism: The Study about Walter Benjamin in the Cultural Context of China;现代主义的寓言文本——中国文化语境中的本雅明研究

14.Humanistic Psychology and Humanistic Language Teaching;人本主义心理学与人本主义语言教学

15.Partial parallel texts of English and Chinese on the net refers to the text resources mainly in Chinese with its partial equivalence in English.局部对应英汉网络语料是指因特网上以汉语为主,夹杂着数量不等英语的双语文本资源。

16.On the Human Aspects of Language Teaching--Reexamining the Role of a Language Teacher;语言教学的人本主义因素刍议——对语言教师角色的反省(英文)

17.Living Space of Marginal Discourse Under the Editor"s View编辑视野下另类话语的生存空间——“双百方针”前《人民文学》另类话语的文本意义

18.Independent Construct the Meaning of the Text: The Strategy Research on Chinese Inquiry文本意义的自主建构:语文研究性学习实施策略研究



3)the bilingual text双语文本

4)textualist stylistics文本主义文体学

1.In order to improve this situation,this paper,based upon Richard Bradford s classification of textualist and contextualist stylistics,proposes to go beyond their divorce and approach a convergency of them.本文针对这种情况,根据R ichard B rad ford对文本主义文体学与语境主义文体学的划分与界定,提出超越二者间的分离走向结合是促进文体学健康发展的一种途径。

5)literature textualism文学文本主义

1.As the thesis concludes, the poetry doctrine of pre\|Qin period includes three traditions: pragmatism, politico\|educational textualism of literature,literature textualism .先秦诗论存在着实用主义、政教性文学文本主义和文学文本主义三大传统 ,湖北荆门出土的竹简《诗论》是先秦诗论中文学文本主义传统最典型的代表。



