200字范文 > 管理哲学 management philosophy英语短句 例句大全

管理哲学 management philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-13 21:10:23


管理哲学 management philosophy英语短句 例句大全

管理哲学,management philosophy

1)management philosophy管理哲学

1.Xunzi s Management Philosophy and Modern Management;荀子的管理哲学思想与现代管理

2.The Improvement of Management Philosophy Since Learning Organization Theory;学习型组织理论对管理哲学的推进


1.The Realistic Foundation and Philosophic Basis of The Times of Managerial Philosophy;管理哲学时代的现实基础及哲学依据

2.Management Philosophy-The Foundation of the Managerial Theories & Management Model;管理理论与模式的根基——管理哲学

3.A Leap from Management Science to Management Philosophy in Modern Management;现代管理的跨越:从管理科学到管理哲学

4.Connotation,Necessity and Channels:On the Reference from Managerial Philosophy to Administrative Philosophy;内涵、必要性、途径:论行政哲学对管理哲学的借鉴

5.Strengthening the Study of Management Philosophy--Concurrently Discussing Branch Philosophy Study:the Way to Philosophic Innovation;加强管理哲学研究——兼论部门哲学研究是哲学创新的必由之路

6.A Discussion on the Target and Function of Management Philosophy;试论“管理哲学”的学科目标与功能

7.The Metaphysical Construction to Harmonious Society Brought by Administrative Philosophy;管理哲学对和谐社会的形而上学建构

8.Guanzi s Management Philosophy and Strategic Management of Modern Enterprises;管子的管理哲学与现代企业的战略管理探讨

9.The Management Philosophy in the Knowledge Society;“文化人”假设及其管理理念——知识社会的管理哲学

10.Zhu Xi s Administrative Philosophy Based on Zhuwengong WenJi;从《朱文公文集》看朱熹的管理哲学思想

11.Management Philosophy Contained in the Confucianism’s Unity Viewpoint;儒家的“合一”观所蕴涵的管理哲学思想

12.The Significance of Industrial Democratization to Management Philosophy;工业民主对管理哲学研究的时代意义

13.Inner Marketing:A Kind of Philosophy of Regarding Employees as Customers;内部营销:将员工视为顾客的管理哲学

14.Management Philosophy of Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism and Their Application in the Modern Management道儒法管理哲学及其在现代立体管理中的应用

15.The Thought of Drucker s Oneself Management in the View of Management Philosophy;管理哲学视野下德鲁克的自我管理思想

16.Management Philosophy in and the Instuctions to Contemporary Enterprise Management from, SUNZI- STRATEGICS;《孙子兵法》管理哲学及其对现代企业管理的启示

17.The Overview of Administrative Philosophy Research in Our Country;行政管理的哲学之维——我国行政哲学研究述要

18.From Model Management to Practice Management:Reflection on the Philosophical Basis of Management Thoughts;从模式管理到实践管理:管理思想哲学基础反思


Managerial Philosophy管理哲学

1.The Realistic Foundation and Philosophic Basis of The Times ofManagerial Philosophy;管理哲学时代的现实基础及哲学依据

2.The Relationship between the Different Stages of Economic Development and the Evolution of theManagerial Philosophy Thought;论经济发展不同阶段与管理哲学思想演变的关系

3.Based on the absorption of advanced thoughts of many thinkers,The Annals of Lu Buwei casts broad and profound ideology in managerial philosophy.《吕氏春秋》在博采众家思想之长的基础上,熔铸了其博大精深的管理哲学思想体系。

3)administrative philosophy管理哲学

1.Theoretic approaching labour power resourcesadministrative philosophy;“资源人”管理哲学理论初探

2.He clarifies hisadministrative philosophy in four aspects: the relations between administrative theory and its experience, the relations between administrative subject and its object, the relations between administrative means and its aims, the relations between administrative system and its environment.他的管理哲学从管理理论与管理实践、管理主体与管理客体、管理手段与管理目的、管理组织系统与管理环境之间的关系等四个维度全面揭示了管理科学的发展取向 ,深邃而富有内涵 ,值得我们研究和探

3.Based on Zhu Xi s theory and practice , Zhuwengong wenji was chosen so that Zhu Xi sadministrative philosophy could be studied in detail from the aspect of bibliography.本文选取《朱文公文集》作为研究的对象,立足于朱熹的管理理论和实践,从文献的角度,对朱熹的管理哲学思想进行详尽的探讨。

4)management philosophy of GUANZI《管子》管理哲学

5)Philosophy of management science管理科学哲学

6)oriental man-agement philosophy东方管理哲学


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
