200字范文 > 复方丹参脉冲控释片 Compound Danshen pulsetime-controlled release tablets英语短句 例句大全

复方丹参脉冲控释片 Compound Danshen pulsetime-controlled release tablets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 04:51:03


复方丹参脉冲控释片 Compound Danshen pulsetime-controlled release tablets英语短句 例句大全

复方丹参脉冲控释片,Compound Danshen pulsetime-controlled release tablets

1)Compound Danshen pulsetime-controlled release tablets复方丹参脉冲控释片


1.Study on Compound Danshen Pulse Time-controlled Release Tablet Preparation and Its Release Characteristics in Vitro and in Vivo复方丹参脉冲控释片的制备工艺及体内外释药特性的研究

2.Preparation and release characterization in vitro of pulsed-release tablets of compound Danshen复方丹参脉冲片的制备工艺及体外释药特性研究

3.Improvement in compound salvia double-layer tablet复方丹参多元释药双层片的处方优化

4.Studies on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Recipe Danshen Multi-layer Sustained Release Tablets and Its Evaluation in Vivo and Vitro;复方丹参多层缓释片及其体内外评价方法的研究

5.Study on preparation and release mechanism of effervescent osmotic pump tablet of compound Danshen复方丹参泡腾性渗透泵片的制备及释药机制研究

6.Determination of Borneol in Compound Salvia Orally Disintegrating Tablet by GCGC测定复方丹参口崩片中冰片的含量

7.Orthogonal test for optimization of radix salviae miltiorrhizae extracting procedure in Fufang Danshen tablet;复方丹参片中丹参提取工艺的正交优选

8.Fluorophotometry for Determining TanshinoneⅡA Content in Compound Tablet of Red Sage Root复方丹参片中丹参酮ⅡA含量的荧光光度测定法

9.Aim To study the working principle of the pulsed release tablet( PRT).目的:考察脉冲控释片的理化性质,研究其脉冲释药机理。

10.Conclusion There were relationship between the physical chemical character and the lag time of PRT.结论:脉冲控释片的理化性质与其脉冲释药机理有一定相关性。

11.Study on the Solubilization of Liposoluble Constituent and in Vitro Release Mode of Target Ingredient in Compound Danshen Sustained-Release Tablet;复方丹参缓释片中脂溶性成分的增溶及指标成分的体外释放模式研究

12.Inspection of tanshinone Ⅱ_A and salvianolic acid B in Compound Danshen Tablets from different manufacturers不同厂家复方丹参片中丹参酮Ⅱ_A、丹酚酸B含量考察

13.Preparation of Transdermal Danshensu Ultradeformable Nanoliposomes Matrix Diffusion Controlled Delivery Systems;丹参素纳米柔性脂质体控释型皮肤贴片的研制

14.HPLC fingerprint and determination of its main components of Compound Danshen Tablet复方丹参片指纹图谱及含量测定研究

15.Preparation and Evaluation of Budesonide Pulsatile Release Tablet for Colon-specific Delivery;布地奈德结肠靶向脉冲控释片的制备及评价

16.The Determination of Tanshinone Ⅱ_A in the Compound Tanshen Tablet by HPLC反相HPLC测定复方丹参片(无糖衣)中丹参酮Ⅱ_A的含量

17.Study on Diclofenac Sodium pulsatile release tablets prepatation and its release mechanism in vitro双氯芬酸钠脉冲控释片的制备及释药机制的研究

18.Assay of borneo in Danshen Pill by gas chromatography气相色谱法测定复方丹参滴丸中冰片的含量


Compound Danshen sustained-release Tablets复方丹参缓释片

1.Determination of in vitro dissolution of total salvianolic acid ofCompound Danshen sustained-release Tablets;复方丹参缓释片总丹酚酸体外释放度的研究

2.Study on the in Vitro Release of Multi-target Ingredients in Compound Danshen Sustained-release Tablets;复方丹参缓释片多指标成分体外释放度研究

3)compound Danshen sustained-release tablet复方丹参缓释片

1.Study on the water-soluble composition release ofcompound Danshen sustained-release tablet;复方丹参缓释片中水溶性成分体外释放度研究

2.Objective: To increase the solubility of borneol and tanshinone in compound danshen sustained-release tablet , to prepare the borneol inclusion compound and the tanshinone dry emulsions,and to investigate in Vitro release mode of borneol, tanshinoneⅡA two species target ingredient in compound danshen sustained-release tablet.目的:为改善复方丹参缓释片的缓释性,提高缓释片中脂溶性成分冰片、丹参酮的溶解性,研制冰片β-环糊精包合物、丹参酮干乳剂,考察缓释片中脂溶性指标成分冰片、丹参酮ⅡA的体外释药模式。

4)compound Danshen tablets复方丹参片

1.Degree of grinding of Panax notoginseng on the saponins solubilities of Compound Danshen Tablets;三七粉碎度对复方丹参片皂苷类有效成分体外溶出的影响

2.Inspection of tanshinone Ⅱ_A and salvianolic acid B in Compound Danshen Tablets from different manufacturers不同厂家复方丹参片中丹参酮Ⅱ_A、丹酚酸B含量考察

3.A fingerprint-based evaluation method for the stability of Compound Danshen tablets指纹图谱评价复方丹参片的稳定性

5)Fufang Danshen Tablets复方丹参片

1.Analysis of Four Components inFufang Danshen Tablets by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical and Ultraviolet Detections;复方丹参片中四种成分的高效液相色谱-电化学检测-紫外检测法分析

2.Improve the Quality ofFufang Danshen Tablets by Complexing Borneol with βCyclodextrin;β-环糊精包结冰片以提高复方丹参片的质量研究

3.A new method for quick analysis of tanshinoneⅡ_A and salvianolic acid in Fufang Danshen tablets by AOTF-Near infrared spectroscopy;声光可调-近红外光谱技术快速分析复方丹参片中丹参酮Ⅱ_A和丹酚酸B的新方法

6)Compound Danshen Tablet复方丹参片

1.Compound Danshen Tablets Assisting Gliclazide Sustained Release Tablets and Acarbose Tablets for Type 2 Diabetes:Observation of Curative Effect;复方丹参片辅助格列齐特缓释片、阿卡波糖片治疗2型糖尿病疗效观察

2.Effects of Different Extractive Methods on the Content Determination of Tanshinone ⅡA and Salviandic Acid B inCompound Danshen Tablet;不同提取方法对复方丹参片中丹参酮ⅡA和丹酚酸B含量测定的影响

3.A correlate analysis of UV absorption spectra of compound Danshen tablets from different manufactures;不同复方丹参片(滴丸)紫外吸收光谱的相关分析


