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控释片 controlled release tablets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-26 14:37:07


控释片 controlled release tablets英语短句 例句大全

控释片,controlled release tablets

1)controlled release tablets控释片

1.Preparation ofcontrolled release tablets of matrine with uniform design;均匀设计法制备苦参碱渗透泵型控释片

2.Preparation of pentoxifyllinecontrolled release tablets and its in vitro release rate;己酮可可碱控释片的制备及体外释放度的考察

3.Membrane formulation optimization of osmoticallycontrolled release tablets of colchicine with uniform design;均匀设计法优化秋水仙碱渗透泵控释片的衣膜处方


1.Studies on Metformin Hydrochloride Osmotic Pump Controlled Release Tablets;盐酸二甲双胍渗透泵型控释片的研究

2.Study on Ketoprofen Monolithic Osmotic Pump Controlled-release Tablet;酮基布洛芬单室渗透泵控释片的研究

3.Studies on Tramadol Hydrochloride Osmotic Pump Controlled-Release Tablets;盐酸曲马多渗透泵型控释片剂的研究

4.Core formulation optimization of Osmotically Controlled Release Tablets of colchicine秋水仙碱渗透泵控释片的片芯处方设计

5.Aim To study the working principle of the pulsed release tablet( PRT).目的:考察脉冲控释片的理化性质,研究其脉冲释药机理。

6.Conclusion There were relationship between the physical chemical character and the lag time of PRT.结论:脉冲控释片的理化性质与其脉冲释药机理有一定相关性。

7.Studies on Insoluble Glipizide Osmotic Pump Controlled-Release Tablets and Drug Release Mechanism;难溶性药物格列吡嗪渗透泵型控释片及释药机理的研究

8.Study on Compound Danshen Pulse Time-controlled Release Tablet Preparation and Its Release Characteristics in Vitro and in Vivo复方丹参脉冲控释片的制备工艺及体内外释药特性的研究

9.Study on Diclofenac Sodium pulsatile release tablets prepatation and its release mechanism in vitro双氯芬酸钠脉冲控释片的制备及释药机制的研究

10.Total Flavone of Herba Epimediumon Micro-porous Osmotic Pump Tablets:Preparation and Drug Release Behaviors in Vitro淫羊藿总黄酮微孔渗透泵控释片的制备及体外释药因素的考察

11.Drug release characteristics in vitro and in vitro-in vivo correlations study of glipizide controlled-release tablets格列吡嗪控释片体外药物释放特征和体内外相关性研究

12.Preparation and drug release in vitro of the metformin hydrochloride osmotic pump controlled release tablets盐酸二甲双胍渗透泵控释片的制备及体外释放度考察

13.Investigation on the preparation and the factors influencing the drug release rate in vitro of osmotic pump tablet of Tandospirone citrate枸橼酸坦度螺酮渗透泵型控释片的制备及体外释药因素的考察

14.Study on the Ketoprofen Release from Control-released Tablets Made from Poly(acrylamide-acrylacide) and Guar Gum酮洛芬瓜耳胶-g-丙烯酰胺-丙烯酸控释片释药性质研究

15.Preparation and in vitro release of breviscapin two-layer osmotic pump tablets灯盏花素双层渗透泵控释片的制备及体外释放度

16.The Influence of High Fat Diet on the Pharmacokinetics of Controlled Release Aminophylline Tablets高脂食物对氨茶碱控释片药代动力学的影响

17.Preparation and Evaluation of Budesonide Pulsatile Release Tablet for Colon-specific Delivery;布地奈德结肠靶向脉冲控释片的制备及评价

18.Clinical Study of Morphine Sulfate Controlled-release Tablets in the Treatment of Cancer Pain;硫酸吗啡控释片治疗癌性疼痛的临床研究


controlled release tablet控释片

1.Study on preparation ofcontrolled release tablets of domiphen;度米芬控释片的研制及其工艺条件的考察

2.The pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of two kinds of salbutamol sulfatecontrolled release tablets administrated orally by 18 healthy male volunteers were investigated,according to a randomized crossover design.18名男性健康志愿者 ,随机交叉口服两种沙丁胺醇控释片 ,采用反相 HPL C-荧光检测法测定沙丁胺醇血浆药物浓度。

3.Objective To study the formula and technology of salvianolic acid B osmotic pumpcontrolled release tablets, and investigate the influencing factors on drug release from such system.目的研究丹酚酸B渗透泵控释片的处方及工艺,并对影响累积释放度的各种因素进行考察。

3)controlled-release tablets控释片

1.Preparation of tramadol hydrochloridecontrolled-release tablets and evaluation of its bioavailability in dogs;盐酸曲马多控释片的制备及犬体内生物利用度研究

4)Controlled release控释片

1.Objective:The preparation of roxithromycin osmotic pump controlled release tablet was studied.目的:探讨罗红霉素渗透泵型控释片的处方工艺。

5)controlled-delivery patch控释贴片

1.Since thecontrolled-delivery patch of piroxicam directly affects local lesions,it is safe and convenient and its effect lasts for 48 h.吡罗昔康为一高效非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs),但因不良反应限制了其口服剂型的应用;其透皮控释贴片直接作用于患处,在局部靶组织发挥疗效,安全方便、刺激小且可持续发挥药效48 h。

6)controlled-release bilayer tablets双层控释片

1.Preparation and evaluation in vivo and in vitro of melatonincontrolled-release bilayer tablets;褪黑素双层控释片的研制及体内外评价


拜新同控释片药物名称:拜新同控释片英文名:Nifedipine成分: 硝苯地平 适应症: 高血压,稳定性心绞痛,梗塞后心绞痛(急性心肌梗塞后8天内除外)。 用量用法: 治疗起始剂量为30 mg qd,根据病情及病人的反应,可逐渐调节剂量。整片药片用液体吞服。 禁忌: 心血管性休克,心肌梗塞急性期(8日之内)。 不良反应: 头痛,面部和皮肤潮红,燥热,心动过速,心悸,头昏,疲倦。低血压。小腿肿胀。极个别病例中有胃肠道紊乱如恶心、腹泻。皮肤反应如瘙痒、荨麻疹、皮疹。老年男性患者长期使用可见男子女性乳房。长期用药还会出现牙龈增生。可能损害驾驶和操作机器的能力。 注意事项: 严重低血压、明显心衰、严重主动脉狭窄、胃肠道严重狭窄及肝功能不全患者慎用。 药物相互作用: 与其它降血压药合用可加强降血压效果。与B-受体阻滞剂同时使用可能出现严重的低血压。与地高辛同时使用时可导致地高辛清除率降低。与奎尼丁同时服用时,奎尼丁浓度下降。西咪替丁或雷尼替丁可使本药的浓度轻度增加。 规格: 控释片 30 mg x 7 片。60mg x 7 片。 类别:心血管系统药\防治心绞痛药||钙通道阻滞剂
